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October, 2006 - Delete This, Yulia

Yulia Chuck

Wolf Like Me - TV on the Radio 

The Funeral - Band of Horses

Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John 

This week has been a whirlwind, in more ways than one. I just completed the most important interview of my life, and I’m excited for when it airs. I think you’re all going to really enjoy it. 

It’s had me thinking a lot about what I want out of this life, both from my work and from the people around me. I know there’s been a lot of rumours lately about my dating life, but I really just want to find someone who will love me the way I want to be loved. That big, crazy love. The kind people write songs about. Is that too much to ask? Is it selfish?

I’m in a speculative mood, I guess you could say. I’ve also had a glass or two of wine, so this post might get deleted later.

What does it mean to belong to someone, anyway? It’s funny, because it’s all I’ve ever wanted, for the guy I like to call me his girl. To claim possession over me, as though that’s romantic. But still, when you hear that guy tell other people “that’s my girl,” in that adorable accent, damn if it doesn’t slice you right through the chest. In that moment, you feel like a shining, glimmering thing, like you’re enough.

Even if it’s not the right person. 

Definitely delete this Yulia. You’re drunk.

Anyway, music music music. I’m currently blasting Wolf like Me by TV on the Radio, much to the chagrin of my poor neighbours. It’s just so goooood. There’s something raw about it, something primal. Lyrically, it’s got layers, and we all know what lies underneath.

When the moon is round and full

Gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your Mongrel mind

Baby doll, I recognize

You're a hideous thing inside

If ever there were a lucky kind, it's

You, you, you, you 

Another repeat for me has been The Funeral by Band of Horses. This song licks you all over, doesn’t it? That soft repetition of the main refrain, coupled with those lyrics. 

To the outside, the dead leaves lay on the lawn

'Fore they died, and had trees to hang there upon 

The problem is this is the best I’ve ever felt, and the worst I’ve ever felt. And I don’t know how to reconcile those two facts. If given the option, I’m always going to pick yes, even if I know it’s not good for me. Because bad feels good. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s the way it is. Bad = Good. 

And of course, there’s the anthem of the year, which is Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John. Even Lucy knows this song, it’s just everywhere, but it deserves it. This song has put in its time. This song has suffered. This song should be allowed to experience something good every once in a while. This song deserves to be loved.

It deserves to be loved, even if some people won’t agree with it.

Yulia I swear to god you’d better delete this post or––


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