A Silent Sigh - Grayson William
On Melancholy Hill - Gorillaz
Lonely Boy - The Black Keys
Shake it Out - Florence + the Machine
Tongue Tied - Grouplove
Cruel - St. Vincent
Louder than Ever - Cold War Kids
I will never not be amazed and so grateful for the ways you all support me and lift me up, especially when I’m feeling a little lost. Thank you to each and every one of you who sent me letters telling me how much this little blog means to you. I can’t put it into words how much that means to me.
And, for those of you who haven’t seen, I have an amazing new project I’ve been focusing a lot of my time on, a new fashion brand called AZIG, in collaboration with one of my closest friends, Ziggy. It’s been taking up a lot of my time and energy lately, but I’ve been jotting down notes as I work to make sure I’m still bringing you the best music.
The brand itself is focused on cutting edge fashion that’s edgy and lush, but at a price point everyone can afford. As someone who grew up without a lot of money and had to thrift most of my clothes, this was really important to me. I know you’re going to love it, and I can’t wait to see you wearing the collection I’m helping to design!
I actually modelled again recently, which was kind of a trip because it’s been so freaking long since I did that. I forgot how much fun it was, and how much art exists in fashion. It might not be as permanent as a painting or a song, but we make statements in the clothing we wear, and our fashion can really be the voice of our generation. I wonder what the future historians will say about this time. What will they call us?
Gray just released his first solo album, A Silent Sigh, and we’ve been floored with the critical and commercial success. If you haven’t listened to it yet, don’t just trust me, go out and grab it, because it’s his best work yet, both musically and lyrically. It’s softer than his songs with Jim & Jules, but it’s also deeper. I’m so freaking proud of him.
Speaking of evolving sounds, I’m obsessed with On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz. You might think of this band as high-energy club music, but this track is soft and pretty while still being uplifting.
Well you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set out to sea, love
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me
My girl Flo is back with a new album that is somehow even better than the last. Florence & the Machine’s Ceremonials is lush and rich in production value, but still carries that indie, witchy vibe. Shake it Out is a proper anthem, with a slow organ introduction followed up by a catchy beat and unforgettable lyrics.
The synthesiser has made its claim this year, especially with newcomer Grouplove’s massive hit Tongue Tied. You’ll probably recognise it from the iPod Touch commercial, but even though it’s sure to be on many soundtracks, it’s a solid, fun tune that brings back the carefree days of partying with friends.
Remember when you could just go out and stay up until dawn without a care in the world? When did we all grow up? I know we’re technically still young, but things are changing now, aren’t they? We have to think about things like furniture that won’t break down in a year, or insurance, or actually having a plan for the future. We’re growing up, my loves.
I’m so excited about this next song, Cruel by the amazing St. Vincent. This woman is so freaking cool, and the talent just oozes out of her pores. Cruel has one of the coolest guitar hooks in recent memory, and the layering of St. Vincent’s melodic voice creates a dynamic contrast.
I remember seeing her tweet about her new album Strange Mercy back in the summer, releasing a single if her fans used #strangemercy and I thought that was so clever. I had the honour of catching her live show in New York at the Met museum in August, and can tell you that St. Vincent is one of the most talented musicians to ever exist.
Finally, because I should be working on my designs right now, we’ve got new music from Cold War Kids in their album Louder than Ever. This is another band that has been a joy to watch evolve, and for their music to take shape from those rough-around-the-edges days to this much smoother and deeper album.
All my windows were barred
The sun made stripes of shades
I was sitting round like a zombie
Feedin' my own face
I was carrying my cheek
I was digging my strange
I was taking you for granted
You were holding the reins
Before I go, Gray is going to be touring in Europe soon, so don’t miss out! I’ll be home working on the brand launch, but I know he’d love it if you showed up to support us both.
